
NO5 2011

Reservist Magazine is the award-winning official publication of the United States Coast Guard Reserve. Bi-monthly issues include news and feature articles about the men and women who comprise America's premier national maritime safety and security

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New resource now available to Coast Guard Reserve members and their families! ᑠ!ᑰᑀᑄᑰ)ᑦ+−&ᑰ∋−ᑀ(ᑱᑀᑄᑰᑱᑰ∋,ᑰᑀᑓᑣᑘ ᑒ∀ᑧ+ᑦ+2ᑀᑖ+( +ᑦ&ᑀᑦ∋ᑩᑀᑤᑰ%%(0ᑀᑘ∀ᑧᑧ(∋ ᑘᑰ∀∋−ᑰ +ᑦ−∀(∋ᑀᑖ+( +ᑦ&ᑀ)+(/∀ᑩᑰ, (∋%∀∋ᑰᑀ−.−(+∀∋ ᑀᑦ∋ᑩᑀ!(&ᑰ0(+∃ᑀ!ᑰ%) ᑱ+(&ᑀᑠ.−(+9ᑨ(&ᑀᑦ−ᑀ∋(ᑀᑨ!ᑦ+ ᑰᑀ−(ᑀᑦ%% ᑃ(ᑦ,−ᑀᑇ.ᑦ+ᑩᑀᑘᑰ,ᑰ+/ᑰᑀ&ᑰ&ᑧᑰ+,ᑀᑦ∋ᑩ −!ᑰ∀+ᑀᑱᑦ&∀%∀ᑰ,9 ᑠ!∀,ᑀ)+( +ᑦ&ᑀᑦ%%(0,ᑀ ᑑ:ϑΚᑀᑦ∋ᑩ ᑦᑩ.%−ᑀ,−.ᑩᑰ∋−,ᑀ−(ᑀᑨ(∋∋ᑰᑨ−ᑀ−(ᑀᑦᑀ%∀/ᑰ −.−(+ᑀ(∋%∀∋ᑰᑀᑦ−ᑀᑦ∋2−∀&ᑰᑀᑱ(+ᑀ!ᑰ%)ᑀ0∀−! !(&ᑰ0(+∃6ᑀ ,−.ᑩ2∀∋ 6ᑀ −ᑰ,−ᑀ )+ᑰ)6 ᑨ(%%ᑰ ᑰᑀᑨ(.+,ᑰ0(+∃ᑀᑦ∋ᑩᑀ&(+ᑰ9ᑀ ᑁᑨᑨᑰ,,ᑀ−(ᑀ−!ᑰᑀ)+( +ᑦ&ᑀ∀,ᑀᑱ+ᑰᑰᑀᑦ∋ᑩ .∋%∀&∀−ᑰᑩᑀΚΜᑀ!(.+,ᑀᑦᑀᑩᑦ26ᑀ,ᑰ/ᑰ∋ᑀᑩᑦ2, ᑦᑀ0ᑰᑰ∃9ᑀᑁ%%ᑀ,−.ᑩᑰ∋−,ᑀ0(+%ᑩ0∀ᑩᑰᑀᑨᑦ∋ .,ᑰᑀ −!ᑰᑀ)+( +ᑦ&6ᑀ+ᑰ ᑦ+ᑩ%ᑰ,,ᑀ (ᑱ 0!ᑰ+ᑰᑀ−!ᑰ2ᑀᑦ−−ᑰ∋ᑩᑀ,ᑨ!((%9ᑀᑅ%∀ ∀ᑧ%ᑰ &∀%∀−ᑦ+2ᑀ&ᑰ&ᑧᑰ+,ᑀᑨᑦ∋ᑀ ᑰ−ᑀ ᑩᑰ−ᑦ∀%, ᑦ∋ᑩᑀ ᑨ+ᑰᑦ−ᑰᑀ ᑦ∋ᑀ ᑦᑨᑨ(.∋−ᑀ ᑦ− 0009−.−(+9ᑨ(&Α&∀%∀−ᑦ+29ᑀ ᑉ∋ᑀ ᑦᑩᑩ∀−∀(∋ᑀ −(ᑀ !∀ !ᑀ ,ᑨ!((%ᑀ ᑦ∋ᑩ ᑨ(%%ᑰ ᑰᑀᑦ,,∀,−ᑦ∋ᑨᑰ6ᑀᑠ.−(+,ᑀᑨᑦ∋ᑀᑦ%,( !ᑰ%)ᑀ,−.ᑩᑰ∋−,ᑀ0∀−!ᑀᑇᑅᑄᑀ)+ᑰ)ᑦ+ᑦ−∀(∋ ᑦ∋ᑩᑀ ,−.ᑩ2∀∋ ᑀ ᑱ(+ᑀ −!ᑰᑀ ᑨ∀−∀3ᑰ∋,!∀) ᑰ1ᑦ&9ᑀᑂ∀%∀∋ .ᑦ%ᑀ−.−(+,ᑀ!ᑰ%)ᑀᑙ)ᑦ∋∀,! ,)ᑰᑦ∃ᑰ+,ᑀ∀∋ᑀ&ᑦ−!6ᑀ,ᑨ∀ᑰ∋ᑨᑰᑀᑦ∋ᑩᑀ,(ᑨ∀ᑦ% ,−.ᑩ∀ᑰ,9 ᑣ!ᑰ∋ᑀ +ᑰ ∀,−ᑰ+∀∋ ᑀ ᑃ(ᑦ,−ᑀ ᑇ.ᑦ+ᑩ &ᑰ&ᑧᑰ+,ᑀᑦ∋ᑩᑀ−!ᑰ∀+ᑀᑱᑦ&∀%∀ᑰ,ᑀ&.,−ᑀᑩ( ,(ᑀ.∋ᑩᑰ+ᑀ−!ᑰᑀ?ᑔᑁᑢᑤ≅ᑀ−ᑦᑧ9ᑀ ᑆ(+ᑀ &(+ᑰᑀ ∀∋ᑱ(+&ᑦ−∀(∋ᑀ ᑨ(∋−ᑦᑨ− ᑃ&ᑩ+9ᑀᑑᑦ+%ᑀᑒᑰ(∋ᑦ+ᑩᑀᑦ−ᑀΚΙΚ9ΜΠΝ9ΝΜΟϑ (+ᑀ∃ᑦ+%9,9%ᑰ(∋ᑦ+ᑩΓ.,ᑨ 9&∀%ᑀ(+ᑀᑑᑦ+ᑦ ᑆ+(&ᑦ∋ᑀ ᑦ−ᑀ ΟΠΘ9ΝϑΟ9ΛΟΟΠᑀ (+ ∃ᑱ+(&ᑦ∋Γ−.−(+9ᑨ(&9 ΚΚ +ᑱ,ᑱ+/#,− Τ #ΙΙΚ;ᑀᑙᑀᑃᑀᑖᑔᑕᑕᑀ

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